AMR General..

10 February 2018

“Farmasector linkt aan toenemende antimicrobiële resistentieniveaus in India”

10 February 2018

“Pharma industry links to rising antimicrobial resistance levels in India”

10 February 2018

“Oorsprong van de huidige uitbraak van multiresistente malaria in Zuidoost-Azië: een genetische studie”

10 February 2018

“Origins of the current outbreak of multidrug-resistant malaria in southeast Asia”

8 February 2018

“Antimicrobial Stewardship en het belang van snelle diagnostiek in lage inkomen landen”

8 February 2018

“Antimicrobial Stewardship and Rapid Diagnostic Testing in Low-Resource Settings”

8 February 2018

“Multiresistente Plasmodium falciparum-malaria in Greater Mekong regio, Cambodja”

8 February 2018

“Multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the Greater Mekong subregion”

7 February 2018

“UK helpt Vietnam met opzetten nationaal referentielaboratorium antimicrobiële resistentie”

7 February 2018

“UK helps Vietnam set up national antimicrobial resistance reference laboratory”

6 February 2018

“Niet-goedgekeurde antibiotica in India dragen bij aan AMR probleem”

6 February 2018

“Threats to global AMR control Centrally approved and unapproved antibiotic formulations sold in India”

6 February 2018

“MRC Zuid-Afrika verbindt zich met wereldwijde non-profit organisatie om antibioticaresistentie te bestrijden”

6 February 2018

“SA’s MRC links with global non-profit to combat antibiotic resistance”

5 February 2018

“Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) en Pfizer zetten nieuw centrum ter bestrijding AMR op in New Delhi”

5 February 2018

“Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Pfizer set up centre in New Delhi to combat AMR”

2 February 2018

“Neogen brengt nieuwe antibiotica tests voor zuivel op de markt”

2 February 2018

“Neogen releases dairy antibiotic tests”

2 February 2018

“Wereldwijde intelligentie op superbugs om antibioticaresistentie te stoppen: SEDRIC”

2 February 2018

“Global intelligence on superbugs to stop antibiotic resistance: SEDRIC”

2 February 2018

“Multiresistente MRSA-stammen circuleren onder gezonde studentenpopulatie universiteit in Kenia”

2 February 2018

“Multi-drug resistant MRSA strains circulating among a healthy student population in a university setting within Central Kenya”

2 February 2018

“Ontdekking nieuwe antimicrobiële peptiden door bacteriële screening peptiden libraries”

2 February 2018

“Discovery of Next-Generation Antimicrobials through Bacterial Self-Screening of Surface-Displayed Peptide Libraries”

2 February 2018

“Melinta Therapeutics lanceert antibioticum Baxdela ™ (delafloxacine) in de Verenigde Staten”

2 February 2018

“Melinta Therapeutics Launches Antibiotic Baxdela™ (delafloxacin) in the United States”

29 January 2018

“WHO: nieuwe data tonen wereldwijd hoge niveaus van antibioticaresistentie”

29 January 2018

“WHO: High levels of antibiotic resistance found worldwide, new data shows”

29 January 2018

“AMR Industry Alliance neemt actie om antimicrobiële resistentie te beteugelen”

29 January 2018

“Life sciences industry alliance is taking action to curb antimicrobial resistance”

26 January 2018

“Synthetisch ‘virus’ om bacteriën te doden”

26 January 2018

“Synthetic ‘virus’ to kill bacteria”

25 January 2018

“New AMR Benchmark 2018 nu beschikbaar”

25 January 2018

“New AMR Benchmark 2018 available”

25 January 2018

“AMR Surveillance Systeem (GLASS): WHO webinar met eerste bevindingen op 26 januari!”

25 January 2018

“Global AMR Surveillance System (GLASS): findings first report presented at webinar on Friday 26 January”

24 January 2018

“Antibiotica worden binnenkort beperkt voor Canadese boeren”

24 January 2018

“Antibiotics will soon be restricted for Canadian farmers”

24 January 2018

“Rapport World Economic Forum beoordeelt wereldwijde risico antibioticaresistentie”

24 January 2018

“World Economic Forum report assesses global risk of antibiotic resistance”

20 January 2018

“Live-lancering AMR-benchmark Access to Medicine Foundation”

20 January 2018

“Live launch AMR benchmark Access to Medicine Foundation”

19 January 2018

European Health Parliament pakt AMR aan

19 January 2018

European Health Parliament to address AMR

18 January 2018

BALI-consortium start in 2018 klinische studies op basis van positieve uitkomst in vitro studies met peptide-variant SAAP-148

18 January 2018

BALI consortium to start clinical trials in 2018 on basis positive outcome in vitro studies peptide variant SAAP-148

18 January 2018

De persoonlijke impact van antibioticaresistentie: video BSAC

18 January 2018

The personal impact of antibiotic resistance

18 January 2018

“SHEA publiceert voorschriften contactvoorzorgsmaatregelen”

18 January 2018

“New Expert Guidance on Contact Precautions for Drug-Resistant Infections”

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