AMR General..

29 March 2018

“Toenemende genetische en functionele diversiteit ESBL’s”

29 March 2018

“The Growing Genetic and Functional Diversity of ESBL’s”

29 March 2018

“Wereldwijde verspreiding gemobiliseerde colistine-resistentiegen mcr-1”

29 March 2018

“The global distribution and spread of the mobilized colistin resistance gene mcr-1”

29 March 2018

“Eerste bewijs dat een gesynthetiseerd antibioticum superbugs kan behandelen”

29 March 2018

“First proof a synthesized antibiotic is capable of treating superbugs”

24 March 2018

“Kosten resistente infecties USA sinds 2002 verdubbeld tot > 2 miljard dollar per jaar”

24 March 2018

“AMR infection treatment costs doubled since 2002 to > $2 Billion annually”

22 March 2018

“Tackling drug resistance with limited resources”

22 March 2018

“Drugsresistentie (AMR) met beperkte middelen aanpakken”

22 March 2018

“MRSA-drugsmarkt groeit naar een waarde van US$ 3.908,2 miljoen eind 2025”

22 March 2018

“MRSA Drugs Market to Reach the Value of US$ 3,908.2 Million by the End of 2025”

22 March 2018

“Gilead UK and Ireland Invasive Fungal Disease Fellowship Programme 2018”

22 March 2018

“Gilead UK and Ireland Invasive Fungal Disease Fellowship Programme 2018”

22 March 2018

“DSM Sinochem 2e publiek-private dialoog AMR tijdens de DCAT-week”

22 March 2018

“DSM Sinochem 2nd public-private dialogue on AMR during DCAT week”

22 March 2018

“NIH: mogelijke antilichaam benadering voor MDR Klebsiella longontsteking”

22 March 2018

“NIH: Potential Antibody Approach for Treating MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae”

22 March 2018

“Studie: ook niet-antibiotica beïnvloeden darmbacteriën en bevorderen resistentie”

22 March 2018

“Study: Non-antibiotic drugs affect gut bacteria, could promote resistance”

22 March 2018

“Klinische casus challenge diagnostiek en AMR”

22 March 2018

“Clinical Case Challenge on Diagnostics and AMR”

22 March 2018

“Zorgen over toenemende tekorten aan antibiotica”

22 March 2018

“Concerns about increasing shortages of antibiotics in The Netherlands”

15 March 2018

“Rapid test helps administer the correct antibiotic”

15 March 2018

“Snelle test helpt bij het toedienen van het juiste antibioticum”

15 March 2018

“Bacteriën resistent tegen last-resort antibioticum colistine; gemist door standaardtests”

15 March 2018

“Bacteria resistant to last-resort antibiotic, missed by standard tests”

15 March 2018

“IRIS standaardiseert infectiebestrijding en gebruik antimicrobials”

15 March 2018

“Infection risk scan IRIS for infection control and antimicrobial use”

15 March 2018

“Culturele barrières voor de aanpak van de AMR crisis”

15 March 2018

“Cultural barriers to tackling the superbug crisis”

12 March 2018

“Nieuwe studie “Toerisme verspreidt antibiotica-resistente superbugs”

12 March 2018

“Tourism spreading antibiotic resistant superbugs new study reveals”

12 March 2018

“Antimicrobials and AMR in small-scale pig farming in lower middle-income country”

12 March 2018

“Willekeurig gebruik antimicrobials in kleinschalige varkenshouderijen lage- en middeninkomen landen”

12 March 2018

“Nieuwe molecuul bestrijdt vijf typen drugsresistente superbugs”

12 March 2018

“New Molecule Can Kill Five Types of Deadly Drug-Resistant Superbugs”

12 March 2018

“Inventarisatie AMR surveillance netwerken lage/middeninkomen landen”.

12 March 2018

“Inventory AMR surveillance networks in low/middle-income countries”

12 March 2018

“Australisch rapport toont toename van resistente E coli bacterie”

12 March 2018

“Australian report shows rise in resistant E coli bacteremia”

12 March 2018

“OneHealth problemen bij bestrijding AMR in lage/middeninkomen landen”

12 March 2018

“Combating AMR: Emerging One Health Concerns Lower/Middle-Income Countries”

5 March 2018

“NOVO Holding lanceert USD 165M fonds ter bestrijding AMR”

5 March 2018

“NOVO Holdings to launch USD 165M impact fund to combat AMR”

5 March 2018

“Niet-gereguleerd antibioticagebruik in de Golfstaten”.

5 March 2018

“Unregulated antibiotic use in Gulf Cooperation Council”

4 March 2018

“WwTP’s sleutel tot de bestrijding van antimicrobiële resistentie”.

4 March 2018

“WwTPs key to fighting antimicrobial resistance, academic argues”

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