Assessing antimicrobial resistance, utilization and stewardship in Yemen: An exploratory mixed-methods study

  01 February 2021

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), largely driven by irrational use of antimicrobials, is a global, multi-faceted problem calling for a complete understanding of all contributory factors for effective containment. In conflict settings, war-wounds and malnutrition can combine with existing social determinants to increase demand for antibiotics, compounding irrational use. In this study, we focus on Yemen, a low-income country with active conflict for the last five years, and analyze the current status of awareness and stewardship efforts regarding AMR. We performed a survey of prescribers/physicians and pharmacists to describe perceptions of AMR prevalence, antibiotic use practices and stewardship in Yemen, supported by a non-systematic scoping literature review and a key informant interview. 

Further reading: MedRXiv
Author(s): Samuel Ebiowei Fanifini Orubu, Najwa Al-Dheeb, Carly Ching, Sema Bu Jawdeh, Jessica Anderson, Rashad Sheikh, Fadhel Hariri, Huda Basaleem, Muhammad H Zaman
Effective Surveillance  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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