Antimicrobial Resistance, Evidences on Irrational Anti-microbial Prescribing and Consumption during COVID-19 Pandemic and Possible Mitigation Strategies: A Bangladesh Perspective

  16 October 2020

There are evidences that show increased antimicrobial consumption among COVID-19 patients. This has increased the burden on worsening situation of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) throughout the world. Bangladesh, one of the countries with highest numbers of COVID-19 cases, without effective regulation of antimicrobial prescription may suffer in future with study
results showing a significant proportion of participants taking antimicrobial without proper indication and prescription from physicians. Suggested mitigation strategies include – strict regulation of over the counter (OTC) antimicrobial prescription, testing biochemical marker such
as procalcitonin prior to initiation of antimicrobial therapy, introduction of color coded and tightly sealed bottled antimicrobial drugs, massive campaigning on social media, effective utilization of telemedicine and finally, raising awareness among physicians and patients regarding judicial use of antimicrobial.


Further reading: medRxiv
Author(s): Monira Parvee, Mahmuda Yeasmin, Maruf Ahmed Molla
Effective Surveillance  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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