ADTCA: Use the Power of Emerging Data Technologies to Combat AMR

Online event with global access
AMR Insights

Ready to Discover Emerging Data Technologies That Could Reverse the AMR Crisis?

Are you interested in cutting-edge Data Technologies with the potential to transform the fight against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)? Join us and connect with global AMR stakeholders to drive impactful collaborations that can change the course of AMR.


The Advancing Data Technologies to Corner AMR (ADTCA) symposium is an annual international matchmaking event held every June. ADTCA showcases innovative Data Technologies and their products and services, all with the power to accelerate global AMR solutions. Beyond keynote lectures, forum discussions, and networking opportunities, the event also features well-organized online Matchmaking Sessions, designed to help you forge meaningful partnerships and collaborations.


AMR Insights partners with global leaders and stakeholders to facilitate ADTCA, ensuring a broad, impactful reach.


Since its launch in 2019, ADTCA has become a key event in the AMR calendar, with plans for continued growth. Stay tuned for the first announcement of ADTCA 2025!


ADTCA has hosted five successful events in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023 and 2024, bringing together the brightest minds to combat AMR. For more details, explore ADTCA 2024 on our website.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of the solution. For more information, contact us at:


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