Ambassadors’ accomplishments

Below are examples of initiatives that have emerged from the international network of AMR Insights Ambassadors since the beginning of 2020. 


At the initiative of Ambassadors, spontaneous writing teams have been set up, which have now led to many publications in professional and peer reviewed journals: 

I) Impact of antimicrobial use in animals on antimicrobial resistance in humans (published)

II) The COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on antimicrobial and biocide resistance: An AMR Insights’ global perspective (published)

III) Looking for solutions to the pitfalls of developing novel antibacterials in an economically challenging system (published)

IV) Herbicides and their impact on antimicrobial resistance in the context of food and food safety (published)

V) White Paper Removal of antibiotics and pharmaceutical residues in water urgent (published on an in-house basis)

VI) The notorious case of Campylobacter spp.: an increasingly antimicrobialresistant foodborne pathogen (published)

VII) Antibiotic Discovery and Resistance: The Chase and the Race (published)

VIII) Progress in Alternative Strategies to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance: Focus on Antibiotics (published)

IX) Perspectives on the Ethics of Antibiotic Overuse and on the Implementation of (New) Antibiotics (published)

Other publications with AMR Insights contributions (not with Ambassadors)

I) AMR policy dialogue:driving innovative solutions for antimicrobial discovery (published)

II) Report AMR Global Expert Mission Germany (released)

III) Applying data technologies to combat AMR: current status, challenges, and opportunities on the way forward (published)

IV) Roadmap towards the sustainable discovery and development of new antibiotics (published)

V) Introducing the global antimicrobial stewardship partnership hub (GASPH): creating conditions for successful global partnership collaboration (published)

VI) Using a pharmacist-led educational tool to teach elementary and middle-school students in Lebanon about microbes, antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance: A pilot study (published)

VII) Global Expert Mission Antimicrobial Resistance US 2022 (released)

VIII) Global Expert Mission Antimicrobial Resistance India 2023 (released)

IX) Ten simple rules for the sharing of bacterial genotype—Phenotype data on antimicrobial resistance (published)

X) Over-the-counter sales of high-priority antibiotics is common: results of a global survey (Abstract) 

XI) Unifying genomic datasets: Leveraging metadata standardization for AMR interpretation in a One-Health context (Abstract ICAFA 2023)

XII) Microbiome and antimicrobial resistance from a One-Health perspective (Abstract ICAFA 2023)

XIII) Antimicrobiële resistentie (AMR) is een verborgen pandemie: “Jaarlijks overlijden miljoenen mensen aan de gevolgen van AMR” (Interview; in Dutch language)

XIV) The incidence of bacterial pneumonia, antibiotic resistance and antibiotic use in hospitals in six countries during the COVID-19 pandemic (Abstract submitted to ECCMID 2024)



I) Multi-country Retrospective Analysis Bacterial Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance in COVID-19 inpatients 

In close collaboration with an Ambassadors’ Clinical Reseach Team and a Statistical Research Team the following clinical study was designed: “Multi-country Retrospective Analysis Bacterial Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance in COVID-19 inpatients”. The study will take place in 7 countries and include 15 hospitals. The study is expected to start in the coming month(s). For more information see the website.

II) Dutch Consortium Antibiotics from Water

In close collaboration with the Dutch Ambassadors Brigit van Soest (Association Innovative Medicines, Dutch Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association) and Tom Vereijken (European Water Stewardship) and Maarten van Dongen the Dutch Public-Private Consortium ‘Antibiotics from Water’ was set up. The aim of the Consortium is to support technological solutions and innovation capacity to reduce emissions from antibiotic waste streams. 

III) AMR Engagement Group

By making children and their carers aware of the risks of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the AMR Engagement Group (AEG) contributes to:

  1. Reduction of resistant infectious diseases in children
  2. Reducing the spread of resistance
  3. Increasing the awareness of the resistance problem

The AMR Engagement Group has started from the initiative PCAS (Pennsylvania Consortium for Antimicrobial Stewardship). The Group aims to connect with comparable initiatives around the globe.

Ambassador Teams

The following professional Ambassador Teams were set up:

I) Clinical research team
II) Statistical research team
III) Modelling team
IV) Veterinary research team

V) Writing teams (ad hoc)


The following blogs were written by Ambassadors:

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