Driving action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in 2024

  29 May 2024

Drug-resistant infections (AMR) pose a significant challenge to controlling infectious diseases, with over 1.27 million deaths in 2019 alone. Despite some progress in recent years, the global response remains weak and fragmented. Local action is crucial, but urgent action from global leaders is needed to ensure faster progress and greater global impact. The UN High-Level Meeting in 2024 presents a unique opportunity to renew political attention and establish strong governance mechanisms for addressing AMR. Three recommendations are made for a more effective global response:

1. Countries should use the Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting to set a bold, unifying goal for a reduction in AMR, establishing a pathway to develop a wider set of robust global targets.

2. A panel for scientific evidence and action on AMR should be established, consisting of experts from diverse geographies and disciplines. This panel should synthesize evidence, identify gaps, and support Member States in identifying priority actions.

3. A mechanism should be established to regularly convene states to review progress, update targets, and maintain political momentum. This mechanism should review progress, guide countries, and provide additional public awareness of action on AMR.

Further reading: Wellcome
Author(s): Wellcome
Healthy Patients  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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