Dame Sally Davies features in new film about ‘the silent pandemic’

  25 August 2022

Dame Sally Davies, Master of Trinity and UK Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance, features in a new Royal Society–BBC Ideas film about a health crisis that isn’t so much ‘looming’ as already linked to millions of deaths worldwide.

As well as the perils of antibiotic resistance, What would a world without antibiotics be like? also explains the revolution in medicine wrought by the discovery of antibiotics, how bacteria become resistant, and what we can do about it as a society.

The resistance of bacteria to drugs is sometimes called ‘the silent pandemic.’ Dame Sally says this silence is a big part of the problem and why she campaigns to raise awareness and keep the issue on the international agenda.

Appointed UK Special Envoy on AMR by the UK Government in 2019, Dame Sally works with international organizations such as the World Health Organization to galvanize action by nation states, drug companies and the general public in the fight against drug resistance.

Author(s): Trinity College Cambridge UK
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