Economic Burden of Urinary Tract Infections From Antibiotic-Resistant Escherichia coli Among Hospitalized Adult Patients in Lebanon: A Prospective Cohort Study

  01 March 2021

The rising incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) attributable to Escherichia coli resistant isolates is becoming a serious public health concern. Although global rates of infection vary considerably by region, the growing prevalence of this uropathogen has been associated with a high economic burden and health strain. This study aims: (1) to estimate the differences in clinical and economic outcomes between 2 groups of adult hospitalized patients with UTIs from E. coli resistant and susceptible bacteria and (2) to investigate drivers of this cost from a payer’s perspective.

In an era of increased pressure for cost containment, this study showed the burden of treating UTIs resulting from resistant bacteria. The results can inform cost-effectiveness analyses that intend to evaluate the benefit of a national action plan aimed at decreasing the impact of antibiotic resistance.

Further reading: Economic Evaluation
Author(s): Katia Iskandar et al
Healthy Patients  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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