Building a computational model of E.coli

Our whole cell computational model of E.coli is being utilised to reveal new biology, identify viable first-in-class targets and build a pipeline of novel antibacterial drugs.

Our modelling approach is different from others in that we go into much higher level of detail allowing us to identify non-intuitive drug targets.

  • Infection prevention
  • Antimicrobial stewardship
  • Microbial diagnostics
  • Antimicrobial compound/strategy
  • Removal antibiotics/bacteria

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Fungi
  • Yeasts
  • Parasites

  • Human
  • Veterinary
  • AgriFood
  • Environmental
  • Other

Development stage:
  • Research
  • Development
  • Validation
  • Market entry
  • Marketed product

  • Company
  • Academia
  • Institute
  • NGO
  • Government

  • License
  • Co-develop
  • Outsource
  • Joint Venture
  • Sell

Funding organisation:
  • CARB-X
  • FIND
  • OTHER / NA

Infectious disease area:
  • UTI
  • STI
  • BSI
  • RTI
  • GII
  • SSTI
  • CNSI
  • IAI
  • SSI

Geographic origin:
  • North America
  • South America
  • Eurasia
  • Africa
  • Oceania

Pharma/Biotechs/Academic institutes

Oppilotech develops first-in-class antibacterial drugs – the drug targets are identified using a platform based on systems biology and ML

Oppilotech have built up a bacterial isolate collection and also undertake microbiology services (MIC, MBC testing, Time/Kill Post Antibiotic Effect Analysis & Serial Passage/Mutation Frequency Testing) for clients developing antibacterial products

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