New, easy access Database emerging technologies to curb AMR

  16 September 2019

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an escalating, global threat of health and food safety. The key strategies to curb AMR include:

  1. Improving prevention infectious diseases
  2. Better stewardship antibiotics & other antimicrobials
  3. Improving microbial diagnostics: identification & sensitivity analyses
  4. Developing novel antibiotics & other antimicrobials
  5. Developing alternative antimicrobial therapies like phage therapy.

Innovation is of key importance to curbing AMR. Thanks to innovation we can expect and anticipate novel vaccines, other preventives,  diagnostic technologies and tools, antimicrobials and alternative antimicrobial treatments. Academic centres, research institutes, start-up’s, SMEs, multinationals and other organisations around the globe have committed themselves to research, develop, implement and commercialise promising, novel technologies and products. That is the great news. 

The challenge we are facing is that there is no overall picture of all these promising developments. Admittedly, there are excellent, specialistic, technical/scientific databases. However, there is no accessible, low threshold and easy to consult, systematic overview of early and later stage preventives, diagnostic tools, antimicrobials and alternative therapies. That is to say so far. 

New database as part of the CDC AMR Challenge

As part of the CDC AMR Challenge AMR Insights has committed to develop  a globally accessible database of emerging technologies that (may) add to curbing AMR. So we basically started by designing and building the database structure. In the coming weeks we will roll out the database and invite researchers, start-up’s, SMEs and multinationals and other organisations to add their non-confidential data, descriptions, pictures and videos and what is further needed to showcase there technology.

In short, the characteristics of the new database are:

  • Emerging preventives, diagnostics, antimicrobials, alternatives
  • From early research technologies to near-market products
  • Easy to add, to consult and to update
  • Dedicated filters to quickly select and target
  • Technology overview and individual technology pages  
  • Partnering opportunities: co-development, in/out licensing, commercialization, etc

New database backbone for matchmakings

The new database displays technology and product offers by the participating (academic and non-academic) researchers, start-up’s, SMEs, multinationals and other organisations. The database will be a valuable and effective tool to identify, agree and schedule physical and online matchmaking and partnering sessions. The new database will be officially launched at the international matchmaking symposium ‘Emerging Antimicrobials and Diagnostics in AMR 2019’ on 19-20 November in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 

Further development supervised by international Expert Committee

The further development and implementation of the database will be supervised by an international Expert Committee. AMR Insights is currently looking for interested Experts with a thorough vision on the global AMR threat and on desired, strategic solutions. Let us know if you are interested to join the Expert Committee: 

What is going on with AMR?
Stay tuned with remarkable global AMR news and developments!